The Alien-Invasion
(Contest)- (Results)
Already the old prophecies said that a sombre
time about the humanity would burst into:
From the High North
the third Sargon will come;
unexpectedly he will burst into
the earth world living in poison,
will concuss everything with a blow
and his power will be unscalable.
He will ask nobody,
he will know everything.
A bevy of straight will be around Him,
the light the third Sargon will give them,
and they will shine to the world.
If the third Sargon will have come
and the battles will have hit,
those his swords will have been –
triumphantly against multiple majority.
Then he, the avenger, will have thundered about
world circle with fiery quarrel carriages,
flinging flashes against the powers of the
until they are exterminated completely.
And the hour of the light will return home
about the earth world.
Lonesome the brave and righteous ones are.
However, with them is the divinity.
Here the trip, the fight begins against the
And leads out to the outer space where the battle
is continued, sometimes one wins, sometimes one
loses, however, soon the everything-deciding final
battle comes, which has to be won.
- - -
These are 5 scenarios, summarised to a campaign,
however, only 5. is evaluated. (All the same which
victory condition one chooses.)
One must work up to scenario 5. For it one must
complete previous 4 scenarios successfully.
One must earn scenario 5 practically.
If one has arrived at scenario 5:
If one destroys blue, the final sequence comes and
the game is over.
There are 2 different victory conditions. One must
fulfil only one of these.
- - -
condition 1:
So many aristocrats as possible.
It is only permitted, to have aristocrats in the
scenario 5. No pioneers, settlers, citizens,
merchants. Besides, these aristocrats are only
allowed to exist on one island. One must consider
exactly where one settles.
Besides, that island, which
accommodates the aristocrats must fulfil the
following qualities:
Maximum 1 times may exist (either 0
pieces or 1 piece):
All public buildings (except houses).
It has to exist precisely 1 times:
Warehouse (not differently possible),
doctor (with street connection to all aristocrat
(A house is only then valid as having a street
connection, when the street not only about the
corner touches the house.)
Not at all allowed are:
Defensive structures, mining, workshops, farms and
plantations, docks ( = port facilities) (except 1
warehouse and arbitrarily many stone-docks),
pioneer huts, settler houses, citizen houses,
merchant houses.
Arbitrarily often may exist:
Squares, dirt roads, cobblestone streets,
stone-docks, aristocrat houses.
All the other islands may be built on with all
except houses.
In addition, still:
The general victory conditions, see: " All
the same which victory condition one chooses
- - -
If one doesn't like these victory conditions, one
can also choose victory condition 2:
condition 2:
Simply the maximum number of inhabitants on the
whole map.
General victory conditions, (see under "
All the same which victory condition one chooses
- - -
One can become practically 2 times 1st, once with
the version described on top, once with the one
with maximum inhabitants.
- - -
the same which victory condition one chooses:
The balance sheet has to be basically positive.
The number of the aristocrats in the city or the
number of the inhabitants on the whole map has to
stay the same.
(If because of the plague the number of the
inhabitants sinks, this makes no difference if
after the doctor's visit the number of the
inhabitants climbs up again.)
The military budget has to be 0.
- - -
My e-mail address
is: "xxxxx@xxx.xx"
If you think, that you have fulfilled all victory
conditions, save it and send me the savegame of
scenario 5 by E-Mail. Furthermore the following
data should be contained in e-mail:
- Your nickname which you have here in the forum
- your post address
- Whether the scenario has the condition "maximum
number of aristocrats on an island" or the
condition "maximum number of inhabitants on
the map".
Furthermore you have to send to me the scenarios
from 1 to 4, briefly before they finish themselves,
so that I can check whether you have fulfilled the
scenario aims.
scenario aims:
1st scenario:
Kill all pirates.
2nd scenario:
1st city: 1100 inhabitants, 800 of these have
to be aristocrats.
2nd city: 1500 inhabitants, 1500 of these have to
be aristocrats.
Both cities shall have their own palace.
3rd scenario:
Destroy blue.
2 cities, each with 100 aristocrats.
4th scenario:
A city with 800 aristocrats.
Destroy all enemies.
5th scenario:
(kill blue) But in this case: see "victory
My e-mail address
is: "xxxxx@xxx.xx"
Entry deadline:
For the time being the 31st December, 2007.
If there are too many people who lag to much
behind, it is possible, to retard.
There is nothing to win! But, nevertheless, maybe
I decide, that there is something to win! 
It is not allowed, to reveal any tricks, which
were found out. Even if somebody has questions to
me, rather send the question by personal message,
instead of betraying any tricks by the question.
If it is a question which betrays no tips, one can
put them also publicly. It is not permitted to
cheat, to look at the scenarios in the editor,
Thanks to:
Chain, for detailed testing.
Sir Henry, for the island editor, the
campaign-installer, etc.
Here is
the Link for download: Link
On the
21st October, 2007 the Contest begins. The Contest
has already ends
Die Bürger meines Reiches verehren mich! Ein
Denkmal soll meine Stadt zieren! 